Monday, 10 November 2014

P1 (a-h) Evaluate an existing advertising campaign


An advertising campaign is a series of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing communication. Advertising campaigns appear in different media across a specific time frame of frequent flyers points.
The critical part of making an advertising campaign is determining a campaign theme as it sets the tone for the individual advertisements and other forms of marketing communications that will be used. The campaign theme is the central message that will be communicated in the promotional activities.

From the screenshot above you can see that it shows a objective of a coca cola bottle at the end of the commercial, this is shown all the way through ceremonial as this is what they are trying to sell to the audience.

This commercial is set to have an Arctic feel to it with an ice cave and ice and snow throughout the commercial but is made by the use of animation.

In the commercial are polar bears and the purpose is to reference where the setting is.

The objects that are shown in the are square shaped piece of ice which is to represent a TV, also the ice is used to make an animated cave plus the flooring is made of ice where the polar bear slips and slides. There is use of snow which has a purpose of making a sofa for the polar bears to sit to watch the TV, also has a use for where the coca cola bottles are and where the polar bear which is slipping and sliding trips up on.

At the start of the commercial of the it has two polar bears in the shot, one with a grey scarf on and the other with a red scarf on. They are sitting on what looks like a sofa to them that is made out of snow and they are looking at a bright like which is made to look like a TV. Then the polar bear in the grey scarp gets up touches his head then looks across to the other polar bears across the ice. They look back and one throws a bottle of coke in the air across the ice. The polar bear in the grey scarp reaches for it and starts in juggle it as he loses balance on ice and starts to slip and slide across to where the group of polar bears are. Then the group of polar bears come across to try and stop him but the momentum nocked the polar bears out of the way and the polar bear trying to catch the coca cola bottle while is trying to do this as he is nocked everyone out of the way. Whilst this is going on the polar bear that is trying to get the coca cola bottle, the polar bear trips over patch of snow that is on the ice, hits a polar bear then land but still juggling the bottle. After this he gets up looks back to the polar bear with the red scarf on, where the polar bear is applauding the polar bear in the grey scarf. 

An advertising campaign is a series of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing communication. Advertising campaigns appear in different media across a specific time frame of frequent flyers points.
The critical part of making an advertising campaign is determining a campaign theme as it sets the tone for the individual advertisements and other forms of marketing communications that will be used. The campaign theme is the central message that will be communicated in the promotional activities.

Analyse the purpose of the commercial

The target audience in the commercial is to people who drink coca cola, I know this because in the commercials coca cola is the purpose of what they are trying to sell. Due to their being polar bears in the commercial, it could appeal to people who have an interest in wildlife. Also people that watch TV on a regular occurrence will see this commercial as an advert on TV or on a channel where I found the commercial, channels like Youtube.  

The creator wants the target audience to believe that coca cola is very pressures and that it should be looked after with great care, whatever is in the way. 

Analyse the techniques by the commercials creator

The whole commercial is made by the use of effects as you can see in the screenshots above. You can see this with the polar bears and the setting of the advert. Also the use of a bright light with sound effects to represent a TV and snow to show snow and an object in which the polar bear trips up on. 

The sound effects that they use in the commercial are to give the effect of the TV and another sound effects like the slipping and the sliding of the polar bear on the ice, to bring out the effect of what the polar bear is doing. Another sound effect is the coca cola sound effect that you hear at the end of the advert to show that the advert is made by and for coca cola.   

The commercial is trying to sell coca cola as you can see from the screenshots, they show signs of and the use of coca cola in the commercial. They do this to sell their product to their target audience. 

This commercial is set in various placing jumping from place to place in areas in America. 

In the commercial their is a vast amount of people at all different age ranges and with different backgrounds as well. Looking at the setting, relates to the person are people look like and act. 

At the start of the commercial the main object that appears is a lot of surrounding trees. Then going through the commercial there is the use of a cars, surf boards, tap dancing shoes, tent, swimming pool, skating ring and ends with mountains.

At the start of the commercial is it a view of the trees as you can see from the screenshot above. Then the next shot is a view of a cinema, where there are two young girls watching a movie and the view of someone holding a coke bottle. After this it goes to a shot of a girl blowing some dust, to a woman drinking a bottle of coke in a car. Then a shot of three people surfing in the sea. After this it goes on to a shot of a group tap dancing, after this it goes on to a shot of two girls looking out the back of a car. Ten on to a picture of a young boy in a tent, following quickly is a shot of a family in an restaurant eating. Then a shot of two men looking out of the window are the cars at night. After this there is a shot of three people getting food on the street at night, following this is a shot of a dad and his son swimming under water, carrying on the next shot is of three people reaching for coca cola lids under water. Then there is a shot of two men skating at a skating ring. After this there is a shot of a young girl dancing. After the shot there are two men on a roof top with one drinking a bottle of coke. Finally a shot of two children running with mountains in the background. 

Analysis the purpose of the commercial 

The target audience in the commercial is to people who drink coca cola, I know this because in the commercials coca cola is the purpose of what they are trying to sell. The commercial is targeting americans as this is the setting of the commercial. Also people that watch TV on a regular bases will see this advert and like how I found this commercial which was on a channel, Youtube.

The message of the commercial to show parts of American in which people see as beautiful and this links to coca cola because they show glimpses of the coca cola bottle to show that it is nice to see and have a huge range places that an American person might see on a regular bases. 

Analyse the techniques used by the commercial's creators 

The visual effects that the creator uses is the mood of the people that are acting in the commercial, they are always smiling and in a good mood, also the use of all the various locations that are used and the quickness of the shots, looking like a montage, going from one place to another to keep the view interested and by doing this the viewer gets more information about the commercial is trying to sell. 

The sound effects that they use in the commercial is a combination of a few words but repeated in different languages and the creator did this to emphasis what is going on in the shot. As they are showing America and all the other cultures who have came in to America. 

regulatory bodies

This screenshot shows what ASA cover for a business that need protection. 

Legal and Ethical Issues 

The advertising industry operates within strict federal regulations and is monitored by the Federal Trade Commission. Even with truth-in-advertising laws in place, advertisers have significant leeway to violate the ethical standards of a wide range of consumers. Advertisers have to be especially careful to act ethically at all times, taking extra care when advertising to children, advertising potentially harmful products and using psychological tactics to stimulate demand. Having a list of ethical and legal issues at hand when creating advertisements can help you to craft legal, responsible ad messages.


1 Understanding: We’ll be an authority on advertising and active on issues that cause societal concern.  We’ll be open to calls for regulatory change, acting purposefully and in a timely fashion, while being fair and balanced in our assessment of the evidence and arguments
2 Support: We’ll provide support to advertisers to help them create responsible ads. We’ll increase, improve and better target our advice and training so every business has access to the information and support it needs
3 Impact: We’ll spend more time on matters that make the biggest difference. Focussing on our existing remit, we’ll spend less time tackling ads that cause little detriment to consumers or on the vulnerable. But, where a complaint indicates that the rules have been broken, we will always do something
4 Proactive: We’ll be proactive and work with others. We’ll use a wide range of information to identify and tackle problems to make sure ads are responsible, even if we haven’t officially received a complaint.
5 Awareness: We’ll increase awareness of the ASA and CAP. We will make sure that the public, civil society and the industry know who we are and what we can do, so they can engage with us when they need to, and have confidence in our work. 
These 5 points show the method in which ASA protect and look after customers when it comes to there business. 

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